Friday 6 May 2016

Ways to Ground Yourself

What is grounding?

This website describes grounding as:

'a technique that helps keep someone in the present. They help reorient a person to the here-and-now and in reality. Grounding skills can be helpful in managing overhelming feelings or intense anxiety. They help someone to regain their mental focus from an often intensely emotional state.'

When your mind's getting carried off by your thoughts, you can spend whole minutes in your mind instead of where you actually are. A good way of coming back to the present moment is by grounding yourself. It is a form of mindfulness where textures, smells, sights, sounds and tastes can bring you back into the present fast. 

There are a number of techniques for grounding yourself. Some of my favourites:
  • Rubbing your hands together.
  • Taking a deep breath or several.
  • Putting both of your feet on the floor.
  • Rubbing your arms. 
  • A sensory box (this website has some ideas).
Also popular is the 54321 game (see here):
  1. Name 5 things you can see in the room.
  2. Name 4 things you can feel (e.g. chair on my back).
  3. Name 3 things you can hear right now.
  4. Name 2 things you can smell right now (or things you like the smell of)
  5. Name 1 good thing about yourself.
Grounding is less about clearing the mind and more about noticing when the mind is getting carried away and bringing it back to where you are. It is also a great way to connect with nature and as the word 'grounding' suggests, many people feel their most grounded when they are with nature - walking barefoot in grass or holding their arms around a tree. 

I'd encourage you to share your experiences in the comment section :)

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